Friday, August 27, 2010

Tips to Launch a Successful Blog

Everybody agrees that a blog is a great marketing tool. Actually it is no exaggeration to say that it is one of the most powerful marketing tools ever invented. Still the huge challenge is how to launch a successful blog. This seems even more complex when you analyze that estimates put the number of blogs launched daily to a staggering 40,000. Naturally most of these blogs fail and only a very small of blogs actually succeeds.

In other words it has become quite clear that anybody with the skills to launch a successful blog will have very few other, if any obstacles standing in the way of their success online. So how do you launch a successful blog?

Find A Niche

Have you noticed how some blogs start off being very general then slowly narrow down to focus on a tiny niche within the original target market? This may not be very easy to accomplish anymore, but in the early days when blogs weren’t so many it was easy. The idea was to start a blog and observe the feedback you were getting through search engines and then based on that response; you would fine-tune and narrow the focus of a blog to cover a certain market niche. Usually such a niche would tend to be based on a certain single keyword.
This is clear proof of what succeeds. You should aim for a single keyword and then stay focused on that keyword. Of course there are related keywords which might mean the same thing, but obviously you will have chosen your keyword based its’ popularity with search engines.
Admittedly, this is probably the hardest part in the whole process of creating a blog, but also the most crucial for success.

Determine How You Will Get and Build Up Traffic

Once you’ve decided on the particular niche that you intend to cover, the next big question is how you will get traffic. Especially in the early months before you find your feet and your audience starts finding you. You can’t rely entirely on keywords, you have to find the ways to increase traffic to your blog.

There are times when you will find a good niche to target but the problem will be how to get traffic.

The Best Way to get Traffic to your brand New Blog

You can write articles and do articles posting in top articles directories. The best way to generate traffic for a brand new site is with the use of articles. Promotional articles have various advantages in Affiliate marketing discussions, as well as if we work on SEO of ecommerce site. To start with they will tend to give you much targeted traffic for your site. The biggest advantage of this is that you can quickly be able to tell if your are striking a chord with your audience or not and if you are, what particular aspects of your site is doing so. This is usually very difficult to accomplish when you are getting a wide range of general traffic, which tends to happen a lot with search engine traffic.

Keep A Close Eye On Your Stats

After you’ve launched your brand new blog, and are regularly updating your content, the next thing to so is to keep a very close eye on your stats. There is an important reason for this. You will be able to identify where your traffic is coming from. You can then concentrate your efforts on the areas that are yielding traffic so that you can get even more traffic. You can also stop wasting time on efforts that are not yielding you any traffic.
Few assets in a blog are as valuable as real stats of actual visitors that the site is receiving. By simply being able to know what is working and what is not, you can make your marketing effort much more effective.

There are a number of excellent stat counters available for free online that can monitor and give you detailed stats that even identify exactly where your traffic is coming from.


To do anything under the sun, you need to obtain the necessary skills and understand which methods work best in getting that particular task done. Following this simple set of instructions, you will stand a much better chance of launching a hugely successful blog that will be able help you meet all your business objectives and probably go a long way in making your dreams come true.


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