Thursday, September 30, 2010

Google Caffeine – An Upgraded Version of GoogleBot

Google has one of the most extensive web site indexes in the World Wide Web. Being the most popular search engine there is today, Google has established itself and set standards for other search engines to try and follow. The company has done this by using one of the most advanced indexing tools in its arsenal, the GoogleBot.

Googlebot is Google's web crawling bot al so known as spider. Crawling is the process by which Googlebot discovers new and updated pages to be added to the Google index.

Googlebot's crawl process begins with a list of webpage URLs, generated from previous crawl processes and augmented with sitemap data provided by webmasters. As Googlebot visits each of these websites it detects links (SRC and HREF) on each page and adds them to its list of pages to crawl. New sites, changes to existing sites, and dead links are noted and used to update the Google index.

Earlier versions of the GoogleBot had limited functions. It did nothing more than to search and read links and analyze codes in the Web. Google though revealed that the GoogleBot has been upgraded and can now interact with JavaScript. It went so far to declare that the Bot can understand some Java. If what they said was true, indexing and differentiating web sites with rich and quality content would be a whole lot easier.

JavaScript is not a relatively easy thing to understand. And for a bot to be able to do this is very impressive. According to Forbes, it is very hard to apply algorithms to a program and ensure that the program will continue to work ad infinitum. These difficult issues though can be eased if GoogleBot can execute JavaScript by itself.

Google Caffeine

Many analysts credit the Google Caffeine, the newest version of the company’s search index, for this vast improvement on the GoogleBot. Caffeine is a revamp of Google’s indexing infrastructure. With Google Caffeine, searching the Internet is now faster and more comprehensive. In order to do these, upgraded web crawlers would definitely be needed. Google Caffeine algorithm does seem to favor sites that associate themselves with other authority sites.

Google Caffeine’s benefits include:
• Content is available to searchers more quickly
• Google’s storage capacity has greatly increased
• Google’s flexibility in storing information about documents has greatly increased

The world is now feeling the results that this new and improved GoogleBot provide. Now, many are looking forward at what the world’s largest search Engine Company will be doing next.

NexGen Forum provides a platform to learn, discuss, share, and find tutorials on Search engine marketing, including SEO, Paid marketing and Affiliate marketing. Latest updates of Search engine optimization techniques, Google Adwords, effective online marketing tactics and affiliate marketing all at NexGen forum.

Open Source Web Development

The concept of open source can be defined as offer of free or unlock access to the source of the product for the purpose of designing, developing, and distributing. Power of open source concept in the web development has changed the form of global online business environment.

In the terms of web development open source conception has taken rise with the development and use of internet frequently by the people. There are a lot of free resources available on the web such as CMS's, software, components and plug-ins for the creation of dynamic websites and other business promotion online tools.

In the global online business market many web development companies offer the professional services for the development of online business tools. Most popular open source products includes, Joomla, Mambo, Drupal, CakePHP, Oscommerce, Ruby on Rails, etc are globally used by webmasters and web developers for the dynamic businesses applications in customized manner in form of websites, templates and other online presentation tools.

Customized website development is one of the most popular advantages of using open source products in the web development market. Open source CMSs are the best way to create and manage sophisticated web sites. Webmasters can create a site that precisely meets business goals, and keep the site up to date easily.
Open Source products are adaptable to any changes and open to improvements.

Adaptability factor of open source helps the developers to make websites more interactive, great user interface, strong administrative rights and smooth functionality.

Open source products have quality factors like reliability and security, most of the experienced developers prefers use of Open Source Software (OSS) which is also very cost effective. Content management is also another big advantage of using open source products and there are browsers like Mozilla Firefox, operating systems like Linux comes under open source phenomenon. Open source is very useful in specific business operations and other office related works and thus they are widely used by big and small organizations all over the business world.

NexGen Forum is a platform for discussion of open source web design and development. Web developers can find latest updates on open source products including Joomla, Mambo, Drupal, CakePHP, discuss the problems and can free download HTML templates, Monster templates, Wordpress Templates, Joomla Templates, vBulletin Templates.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What is FX Trading system

Finding a FX Trading system that work will require a little bit of knowledge and first-hand experience with FX Trading. Way it works is that traders can use the Online FX Market for trading. The profit comes from currency fluctuations that create a difference in the relative values of the trading object.

The key to it is to know when and where the fluctuations and long-term trading object changes will come. For this, FX Traders have developed systems that use strategies based on multiple indicators. There is a large range of possibilities to construct or buy a FX Trade system.

The FX trader first has to decide on which strategy to use. FX Trading systems have built in strategies that depend on a combination of indicators. It is even possible to build one, and FX Trading courses usually teach traders how to do this. But it's a bit like reinventing the hard drive, when one needs to buy a computer.

It's also difficult to point towards a FX Trade system that works more efficiently than the rest. There are new ones that pop up in the Forex Trade Point every other day. Traders who haven't used one previously and are having difficulties sorting out the good ones from the rest should visit a few FX Trading review sites.

It's also a good idea to try out the system first, in case the vendor offers a free trial. If not, the least that can be done is to study all the historical data related to the system. Find out the average pip gain the system can rack up in a week or a month for a specific number of trades.

Before buying into a system, it might be advisable to learn a little more about how the system is built and how it works. Building one from scratch is not strictly necessary in order to know how to use it, but it does help. When one knows how the system in question is able to combine indicators to execute the FX Trading strategy, it makes it easier to extract the most from the FX Trading System.

Some traders are able to fine tune the entire process so that the system can be automated and is able to enter and exit trades without any supervision. The computer is left on, the system plugs into the Online FX Market, and will execute trades 24/7. To summarize, before starting to look around for a FX Trade System that works, try to find out how these systems work.

Monday, September 27, 2010

What is Online FX Market

Online FX Market seems to be one of the best opportunities ever. There are few people who are able to make money with the help of Online FX Market. However, you are likely to benefit a lot in case you manage to get income. Online FX Market it is s great opportunity to run your own business from the comfort of your home. Can you imagine that you are free to sit on your favorite sofa and watch movie while trading and making money for your living? It seems to be really great. What is more, you are likely to benefit a lot from FX Trading any time you like. The Online FX Market is open day and night and it is possible to get into the deal any time you like. What is more, with the help of the Online FX Market it is even possible to change your life. If you are ready to something really thrilling and exciting you should definitely start your own career on the Forex Trade Point. There is nothing better than trying to develop your skills and to perform high results with the help of the Online FX Market that gave a lot of opportunities to millions of traders worldwide. Start right now and you will definitely never regret.

However, you need to take some measure in order to make sure that you are really making money but not wasting your time. There are many traders who fail to get the income they had been counting on. If you do not want to be one of them you need to start from simple steps. Try to realize that only when paying attention to the Online FX Market benefits you are likely to get real income. What is more, it is you who is in charge of everything that is why you have to be serious when dealing with FX Trading.

For example, it is necessary to get to know that when you are trying to make money you need to be seriously prepared. What is more, it is strictly forbidden to rely on luck or any other moment in which you are likely to get what you want. There are many things which it is better to take into consideration. It is you who takes decisions and who makes money. That is why, try to make sure that there is nothing wrong and that you are likely to get real income.

Online FX Market is one of the most favorable places for those who would like to be in charge of their business. If you are ready to make money and if you are not afraid to put efforts into what you are doing it is likely that in the result you will definitely get anything you like. Try to start making money and to get as much as possible. There are many things which you need to take into consideration. No matter what is going on you need to be serious about your business.

You need to understand the general stuff about managed Online FX Trading service – before you do the first step in Online FX Market Investments.

What can save you from lots of troubles is a simple tip – today the Internet technologies give you a really unique chance to choose what you need for the best price on the Online FX Market. Strange, but most of the people don’t use this opportunity. In real practice it means that you must use all the tools of today to get the information that you need.

Online Brand Building Services By Dragon MGL

Brand Marketing Strategy – it’s all the rage these days. Social media blogs waxing about the companies doing it right, the companies doing it wrong, and the companies that have yet to get involved at all. As a small business owner, it can be a little intimidating. How do you go about Online Brand Building Services while building a business at the same time? Well, there are few places you should start with.

Below you’ll find five ways to begin Online Brand Building Services by Dragon MGL. You’ll actually find it’s pretty painless.

1. Know what you want it to be.
In Brand Marketing Strategy You can’t build a brand if you don’t know what you’re trying to build. Social media is about amplifying your voice in a way that connects with customers. So what do you want your voice to sound like? Who are you in your space and what do you want people to associate with you? Everything you do on the Web and off of should work to strengthen that. Your actions now have a purpose – to create the identity you’re after. Once you know this, you have a road map for everything else.

2. Listen and learn.
The power of listening is twofold for Online Brand Building Services,

First, listening allows you to understand your community. By being quiet and eavesdropping on the conversations they’re already having, you can find out what’s important to them, what they value, what they think about your competitors, how they view you in the market, what they’re struggling with and what their problems are. The intel they reveal is often far more trustworthy than what they’re telling you to your face. What people say and what they do is often quite different. This allows you to listen in and gain information without having your presence alter their natural behavior.

Second, listening can help you find problems in your own system. You can identify areas where customers struggle and things that constantly trip them up, and then fix the problems. Monitoring what people are saying about you is a great way to learn and make your company better. Listen to their words and watch behaviors to find opportunities for growth and interaction.

3. Identify where you you’re needed and get involved.
For Brand Marketing Strategy you have to know taht who are your online customers? Where are they talking about you and discussing problems they’re having? These are the sites you want to find. They might be on Twitter, on LinkedIn or on their own blogs. Wherever your customers are talking about you is where you need to be and where you should get involved.

Once you find out where your audience is, become part of that community. Get in the conversation and build those important relationships that breed loyalty. By becoming part of your customers’ online communities you set your company up as one that is human, accessible and trustworthy. That’s the basis upon which everything else will be built.

4. Find your team.
When you’re participating in online communities, keep an eye out for your Brand Marketing Strategy about current customers who love you and enjoy spreading the word about you to their friends. Once you find these people, befriend them. Thank them for what they do for your company and find ways to help them do it better. That may mean making them part of your process or giving them special access to parts of your brand. The best way to build your brand is to make it easy for others to do it for you.

5. Give people something to share.
Whether it’s an idea, a video, a quirk, a corporate value, whatever, you need to give your tribe of people something they can pass along. Doing so will unite them around your company and strengthen your brand identity. People align themselves with companies that make them feel something. Once you figure out the feeling you want to inspire , think about how you can make that feeling part of your customers’ daily interactions with you.

If you’re new to this corporate or personal Online Brand Building Services thing, the five tips above can help you get started on creating a strong Brand Marketing Strategy that will resonate with users.

Friday, September 24, 2010

NexGen Forum: Alternatives To Online Dating, Chat Rooms And Instant Messaging

There are tons of online dating sites out there and if you’re currently in the Online WORLD and looking for love, then you know that you have allot of options to choose from. Even though online dating offers a possibility for love, there are still other forms of online dating that you can use to find love online. This is NexGen Forum.

NexGen Forum is a place where people come to publicly discuss their ideas and views about things.

Hopefully you already know someone who is on NexGen Forum. This will make it alot easier for you to initiate conversation with them because you-two already have a previous relationship with one another. If you’re talking to this person via the broad forum, you will want to keep your intimate talk to a minimum.

This is also not the time to be getting jealous over what someone says to your crush. This is one of the drawbacks of using NexGen Forum for online dating. You will find that your crush knows alot of members and one of their replies to your crush may throw you off in the wrong way. So don’t get jealous – women don’t like this plus it’s bad for the relationship.

You get to think about what you want to say, there’s no fear of rejection and you don’t have to approach anybody, and you can come off as very confident to a woman. This is an excellent way to develop a relationship with a woman that you’ve had your eye on for quite some time.

One thing that you should know about Replying is that you more than likely won’t be the only person that she’s talking to. It is not possible that she may communicate with one or more other guys confidentially, so don’t be upset if you find out that she does. This goes back to the whole being jealous thing, so try your best to stay cool when discussing to her.

When doing Replying at NexGen Forum, You have to win her over with your humor and charm. You must do this if you want to continue a relationship with her. You have to let her miss you sometimes as this is just healthy for the relationship that you two have.

These alternatives to online dating can lead to a wide possibility when it comes to finding true love on the internet. Be sure to start using these tips today to start having success with online dating.

NexGen Forum: The Best Online Helping Tool

NexGen Forum is like online meeting place where like-minded people discuss or give their views on certain topic or issue. People are increasingly using NexGen forum and deriving benefits out of it. NexGen Forum is like online Conference Hall that have several Members that are in form of people who are doing forum postings. Group discussions carried out here are great source of enhancing learning abilities and knowledge.

In good forums you need to do register before starting forum postings. People here join participate for the subject in which they are interested.

NexGen Forum can be viewed online by general public , here every post is known as a thread and many threads can be found under every subject and topic. These threads can be read by all visitors, so never post private and confidential matter in the forum.

For doing effective internet marketing NexGen forum Provides great help. At the initial stages these threads are being used as learning tool by the internet marketers. This online form of social conference hall is great place to enhance one’s knowledge and get answers to your questions by reading the postings. As the time passes and you gain experience in internet marketing you would get the knowledge to answer to questions been post by others in the forum and help them out. This is the excellent way to help and solve other people’s query online.

For extended online exposure you need to participate actively in forum. You can also keep a link of your website or products. Don’t go overboard in doing postings just for exposure sake as it is viewed as spamming. This would increase the chances of getting banned from forum.

Use easy going and subtle approach in promoting your website or products in the forum in an informative manner or as an advice. It would give positive image to your company. Usually customers do not like the concept of pushing or forcing to sell anything.

Impress the customers by giving them solutions to their problems. You can know about it by doing research in particular topic or subject.

This information can be found in the forum.

Before starting the forum postings or joining one, craft or design a strategy for it. If you want to join the forum for product promotion than be clear about the topics to be addressed. You can build up trust with the online communities by regular sharing of experiences and replies which would create interest in the user for your product.

NexGen Forum: Helping Grow you Personally And Professionally

NexGen Forum offers one-on-one or group interaction with experienced people from all over the world who can help you with advice and guidance in many different areas of life. By reaching out and discussing issues of your life with others, you can more easily find solutions and better alternatives to life’s vexing problems along with useful suggestions from people who have been in similar situations. NexGen Forum is often divided into sub-categories tailored to issues or areas of life; you then choose the appropriate section, join and discuss your problems with the members of the forum as well as offering your advice to others. Along with giving advice and help, belonging to a NexGen forum also provides its members with a deeper sense of community with a group of like-minded people.

Why Join NexGen Forum:
NexGen Forum gives you a chance to discuss your ideas, thoughts and situations with others who can give you feedback, suggestions and help with accountability in the setting and achieving of certain goals. With the help of others, you can gain a better understanding of your thoughts and actions from an objective perspective. The changes you need to make in the way you look at life become clearer as a result of your interactions in the forum. It is often said that no person achieves success alone; by joining NexGen Forum, you will find the assistance from others that will help you become more successful in life.

NexGen Forum Offers Privacy
When you join the NexGen Forum, it is not necessary that you disclose your complete identity. All NexGen Forum is governed by rules and regulations that all the participants must agree to follow to participate on the forum, which includes not divulging confidences shared within the forum. By observing the common rules of courtesy and online etiquette, you will be welcome to take part in discussions you find in online NexGen Forum. is an online success support networking forum where people from all over the world gather together and through their knowledge, different perspectives, degrees of maturity, diverse experiences and wisdom help each other to grow personally and professionally. The NexGen Forum is an ideal place for individuals searching for positive and healthy ways to accept change and find success in all aspects of their lives. Please visit for more information and join the rapidly growing community of members today.

Open Source CMS Discussion - New Updates at NexgenForum

Nexgen Forum is a platform for discussions of open source CMSs, and the issues that you should consider when choosing: their complexity to use, their features and the power they offer.

Some of you might be aware of what a CMS is and some of you might not be. Anyways, a Content Management System is a software program, which is compatible with all websites and that helps the users manage the content of their websites easily & efficiently. Even a person with limited system knowledge can easily operate CMS as it performs most of the tasks for you.

Let us have a glance at some of the popular CMS available:


WordPress, an open source CMS, enables the users to organize, manage and publish the content of the website. Today, most organizations have realized the advantages of using WordPress as CMS and it has become quite popular. It supports only ne web blog per application and has a rich suite of useful widgets and attractive themes. It also entails pingback and trackback features.

WordPress enables users to structure the content of their websites easily so that it gets indexed by search engines fast. It also facilitates users to customize the URLs thereby helping them pick up the most relevant keywords. Its kit of plug-ins fetches you links to a wide array of social media websites and advantages for Denver SEO Denver SEO Company.


Joomla, an affordable open source CMS, allows multiple users to access, organize, manage and publish the content of the website. It is one of the most popular and extensively used CMS on the Web. This award winning CMS also enables users to build online applications and makes uploading of content easy, fast and effective.

It is quite easy to use and can be used for all kind of websites, from simple to complex. It has a rich repertoire of extensions, which run within Joomla environment and contribute their bit by adding functionality. Most of Joomla extensions are available free of cost. Using Joomla you can very easily add some good features to your website.


Drupal, a back-end CMS, is used to setup a forum, blog and all kinds of websites. It supports multiple user accounts, RSS feeds, customizable layouts etc. Written in PHP, Drupal runs on all kinds of computing platforms and is Denver SEO Denver SEO Company friendly. It has an extensible code base and a powerful theme management system.

Using Drupal, users can organize and publish the content of their websites quite easily and efficiently. Drupal core encompasses features that enable the users to register and maintain individual user accounts within a privilege system. No special programming skills are required to install a website as Drupal offers a decent programming interface.

There are some good web hosting providers such as LimeDomains, FatCow, HostGator etc. that offer reliable & affordable Wordpress hosting, Joomla hosting , Drupal hosting etc.

So what are you waiting for? join NexgenForum, and Choose a CMS and get started today!

Choosing an Open Source CMS: Beginner’s Guide By NeGen Forum.

Find the best CMS and start working with it to create web sites, blogs, communities, e-commerce sites, and intranets

Understand different types of CMSs and select the one that best fits your needs
Install and customize a CMS with themes and plug-ins, Learn key concepts of Content Management Systems and how to systematically assess your requirements. Introduction to the major CMSs including Joomla!, Drupal, WordPress, Plone, Magento, Alfresco, and more

A hands-on, easy-to-read guide that gives you practical tips on hosting, project management, working with specialists and communities, and finding experts

In Detail, there are many powerful open source CMSs available to take the pain away from managing a web site. These systems are feature rich, often easy to use, and free. Unfortunately, there are so many choices it’s tough to be sure you’re choosing the right one. How can you be sure that you are selecting and working with the right tool?

Nexgen Forum will guide you through choosing the right CMS for your needs. You can be confident in your choice of CMS for the needs of your project. It will also help you make a start using the CMS, and give you a feel for what it’s like to use it – even before you install it yourself.

Open source CMSs are the best way to create and manage sophisticated web sites. You can create a site that precisely meets your business goals, and keep the site up to date easily because these systems give you full control over every aspect of your site. Because open source CMSs are free to download, you have a huge amount of choice between the various systems.

Yet there are many open source CMSs to choose from, each with unique strengths – and occasionally limitations too. Choosing between the bewildering number of options can be tough. Making the wrong choice early on may lead to a lot of wasted work, because you’ll have a half-finished site that doesn’t meet your initial requirements – and needs to be restarted from scratch.

Nexgen Forum is a platform to discussions of the major CMSs, and the issues that you should consider when choosing: their complexity to use, their features and the power they offer. It discusses technical considerations such as programming languages and compliance with best practice standards in a clear, friendly way that non-technical readers can understand.

Nexgen Forum also contains quick-start guides and examples for the most popular CMSs such as WordPress, Joomla!, and Drupal, so that you can experiment with these CMSs, get a feel for how they work, and start using them to build your site.

Friday, September 17, 2010

How to raise your children in the Christian Faith?

Every Christian parent’s biggest priority must be to raise their children in the faith. The consequences of failing to disciple our children in Christ are eternal, so nothing we do could be more important. In this article, I would like to give you five specific ways you can insure your children will receive a firm foundation in Godly living.

Have a time of Bible reading and prayer every night before bed.

The point of this time is to make a life-long habit of daily devotions. There are many children’s Bibles available in any Christian bookstore or online. Any of them are good, but make sure what you use is age-appropriate for your specific child.

Live the Christian faith yourself.

While I know this is obvious, how many kids hear their parents curse, see ungodly entertainment in the home, or experience an unloving, unforgiving environment? I don’t mean that we as parents have to put up a perfect front to our kids. Actually, I think it can be more powerful for a young person to see mom or dad admit a mistake and ask for forgiveness.

Another important component for demonstrating a Christian lifestyle is a daily devotion. It is good to have a daily time of prayer and Bible study with your children, but it is even more important for them to see you have your own personal time of devotion. After all, nothing is more crucial in our own development as disciples.

Get your kids into Christian music.

I know of no other art form that connects with a kid, especially a teenager, than popular music. Being able to introduce your children to Godly music is a vital step toward helping them see how their faith intersects with real life. With my own children, I spent very little time on traditional kids’ music. As a musician myself, I wanted my son and daughter to know good music, and I’ve never regretted making modern, Christian music available to them.

When real-life problems come up, help your kids see the Biblical way to respond.
When my son was a second grader, he confided in me that a girl in his class was saying mean things to him. I wanted to call the teacher and get the girl in trouble, but instead, I showed Caleb Matthew 5:43-48 and then we prayed for this girl, just like Jesus taught. Not only did this problem give me a teachable moment into Caleb’s young life, it also showed both of us the power of prayer, because this classmate stopped bothering him after we prayed.

Christian Schooling

If you are a Christian, Christian school will benefit greatly in the study of the Bible. The Bible is the basis for every Christian faith. Learning more about the Bible is always a good thing. This will be a requirement in most Christian schools. Even if you aren't a Christian, you can benefit from the teachings of the Bible. The Bible teaches many life lessons and should be studied by everyone. If you want to find good Christian Schools then you can visit Christian Schools Directory.

In summary, I want to comfort parents who may be feeling guilty. If you haven’t done much for your children’s spiritual development, now is the time. And please remember, anything is better than nothing. You don’t have to be a world-class theologian to do any of these five things, but I know the pay off will be worth it, both in quality family time, and in the fruit your efforts bear in your own family!

American Christian Education is Beneficial for Your Children

Getting an American Christian education means many benefits will follow. It gives you a better opportunity for future in the real world of competition and prepares you better for careers as well. Students who attend Christian schools are fortunate because they have better materials to work from and they don't have to worry about the same things as public school students have to worry about.

Purpose of Christian Education

Christians have been educating their children since the time of Christ and have been doing so in officially labeled "Christian schools" for decades, but there is still confusion as to just what Christian education is.

Education is the developing of character, knowledge, and skills for a desired purpose. Most educators would agree that education should prepare the student to function well throughout life. But secularists and Christians disagree on their definitions of the word well. What is the core of Christian education—that without which education is not Christian at all?

At the core of Christianity is Christ Himself—His person (who He is) and His work (what He does). Christian education begins by introducing the student to Christ—by bringing him to realize that there is a God (Gen. 1:1) to Whom he owes allegiance and obedience (Hos. 13:4) and that this God has revealed Himself perfectly in His Son (Heb. 1:1-3). It does this for two reasons: that he may know Him (Phil. 3:10; John 17:3) and that he may be like Him (I Cor. 11:1; II Cor. 3:18). Once the student is regenerate, genuine Christian education can occur.

Education includes development of character as well as transfer of information. The character goals of Christian education will be Christian in the narrowest sense: they will imitate the character of Christ as revealed in the Scripture. Every part of the student’s school day will reflect the purposeful discipline that is necessary to the development of Christ-likeness. And since the goal is personal and all-encompassing, that discipline will extend beyond the campus to the student’s entire life. What the student does "on his own time" is of great interest to the Christian educator and falls under his oversight.

Advantages of American Christian Education:

One of the best benefits of attending an American Christian school is that the student/teacher ratio is much better than in a public school. In the public school system, there could be up to 30 students per teacher. Those teachers often don't have an aid. That means that a student doesn't get as much one on one attention in the classroom. It is much easier for a student to learn if he/she can be more in depth about a particular problem that he/she is having. That doesn't happen as easily in public schools.

Bible Study is part of Schuler Curriculum

If you are a Christian, Christian school will benefit greatly in the study of the Bible. The Bible is the basis for every Christian faith. Learning more about the Bible is always a good thing. This will be a requirement in most Christian schools. Even if you aren't a Christian, you can benefit from the teachings of the Bible. The Bible teaches many life lessons and should be studied by everyone.

Better Learning Opportunity:

One of the greatest benefits to attending an American Christian school is that they have better learning resources in general. They have the options available to them and they use them. Anyone who gets a Christian education will be better prepared for when they graduate high school because of the difference in materials offered.

Safety is a great concern in the public school system today. It isn't quite as bad in a private Christian school. You don't have to worry nearly as much about kids coming into school with guns or drugs. Public schools have a higher rate of these issues because there are so many more students which it makes harder to control.

Students who get an American Christian education don't have to worry about whether they will get in trouble for celebrating holidays such as Christmas. Christmas is a word that has become scarce in public places. In a Christian school, you are encouraged to celebrate such events. In fact, you will learn about them as well. If you want to search American Christian Schools then you can visit Christian Schools Directory, which has all Christian pre-schools, High schools, kindergarten from all states of America.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Christianity and Outcome-based education (OBE)

Outcome-based education (OBE) may represent the most serious threat to both public and private education we have faced in recent years. While generally described by state and federal education leaders as a program developed at the grassroots level, it in fact seems to be a very carefully orchestrated effort to implement federal guidelines and apply them to public and private schools of all types and to home schools by means of more comprehensive compulsory attendance laws, changes in requirements for approval of teacher-training programs, and changes in teacher-certification requirements.

As researchers have reviewed the goals of OBE, they have found them to be remarkably similar from state to state, and in many cases the goals are virtually identical. How could this happen if they had been generated at the grassroots level by educators working independently to develop goals uniquely designed to satisfy the needs of their community? Obviously, they were not developed in that manner but rather were produced through strong influence from a common source.

It is not only the political and religious conservatives who are expressing concerns about OBE. The liberal element of the educational establishment also has reservations. The use of business criteria for evaluation of schools is one of the concerns. They see this approach as focusing too much on input/output factors that are of more importance to business than to society as a whole. Others opposing OBE see its proponents as having oversimplified the problems and their solutions, and they are not certain that the results of OBE will be any more satisfactory than the present system.

Like many issues in education, outcome-based education is difficult to describe or define. There is no generally accepted, comprehensive definition. There is no generally accepted, comprehensive model to examine. Some of the terms commonly given to programs of education we have come to associate with outcome-based education are Exit Outcomes, Lifelong Learning, Mastery Learning Restructuring, Result-Based Education, and Turning Points Curriculum. Why so many different names for essentially the same thing? One might ask whether the object is to confuse the public. Some of these ideas are relatively new, but most are revisions of older programs previously considered and rejected or of programs that have been tried and have failed. All, or nearly all of them, can be found in former President Bush's America 2000 and President Clinton's Goals 2000 programs.

Three Types of Outcome Based Education

According to William Spady, director of the International Center on Outcome-Based Restructuring, there are three types of OBE: traditional (which utilizes the school's existing curriculum and alters its objectives to focus on OBE-type outcomes), transformational (complete OBE structure that requires restructuring of the school, its faculty, and its curriculum), and transitional (which falls somewhere between traditional and transformational). Most opponents of OBE cite examples from transformational OBE.

Are these programs harmful, and should parents object to their implementation in local public schools or even in Christian schools or home schools? Yes, they are harmful; and yes, they should be opposed. But they must be opposed with reason, or we will once again simply be labeled "reactionaries" and "opposed to progress." If the average citizens currently opposing OBE knew what is already going on in their own local public schools, they would in many instances be more shocked about that than about what is presently under consideration as OBE.

It is important for everyone to understand that educational methods are generally not inherently good or bad. It is how the methods are implemented and with what they are associated that assign to them qualities of good or bad. An understanding of that concept is essential to the evaluation of any educational program. Many of the ideas encompassed by some forms of OBE are not inherently bad; they are bad because of the manner in which they would be implemented.

Outcome components

Outcome components identified by the Odyssey program are the following: communicator, collaborator, creative producer, critical thinker, and concerned and confident citizen. In every description of OBE that I have seen, the focus has shifted from an emphasis on the cognitive domain to the affective domain. This means the focus is on attitudes, values, feelings, and emotions rather than on subject-matter content. One cannot help wondering how a program that places less emphasis on the development of knowledge and skills can help us compete more effectively with other nations whose systems of education supposedly are already producing more able students. Outcries from enraged citizens in Gaston County have been so b that their entire Odyssey program may possibly be scrapped as a result of loss of funding from their major supporter.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has been involved in the development of OBE over the longest period of time and seems to have achieved the highest level of development to date. When the State Department of Education proposed moving to OBE in 1992, 545 outcomes were developed that were to be evaluated at the conclusion of a student's education. These were shortly reduced to 55. The following are illustrative of these outcomes:

1. All students develop interpersonal communication, decision-making, coping, and evaluation skills and apply them to personal, family, and community living.

2. All students understand and appreciate their worth as unique and capable individuals and exhibit self-esteem.

3. All students relate in writing, speech, or other media the history and nature of various forms of prejudice to current problems facing communities and nations, including the United States.

4. All students make environmentally sound decisions in their personal and civic lives.

Role of Christian Parents in Outcome Based Education

The issue of choice in education is once again very popular. Although those who support OBE have probably never considered using choice for their own ends, it would be very easy for them to do so. Choice programs give parents the option of choosing public or private schools for the education of their children. A predetermined amount of money would be available to parents to place their children in a public school district where their children would not normally be eligible to attend. The choice funds would help them purchase those services. Or parents could choose a private school, sectarian or nonsectarian, to meet the educational needs of their children. It sounds great to parents struggling to find more acceptable means of educating their children. But the historical record clearly reveals that government regulation follows government money. Choice plans that were used by Christian parents to pay for education services at Christian schools would make it easy for the government to increase its controls on these schools with the support of parents.

Parents, especially Christian parents, need to become involved in expressing their opposition to OBE, particularly at the local school district and state legislative levels. The experience of others has demonstrated that little can generally be gained by attempting to work through the educational bureaucracy because these people are not accountable to the public. However, school board members, state legislators, and, in some states, the state superintendent of schools are subject to popular election and, consequently, must take the views of the public into consideration. If you do not know whether your local school district or state is involved in OBE, contact local school board members or call the school district office and make an inquiry. It is best not to indicate whether you support or oppose OBE when making your inquiry.

OBE is just another reason that Christian parents should seriously consider placing their children in a Christian school or home schooling them. Most Christian parents who attempt to provide education for their children through the public school system meet with serious disappointment.
Can Secular Texts Be Part of Christian Education?

Can Secular Texts Be Part of Christian Education?

Should both Christian and secular curriculums be part of your child’s education?

Henry Morris‘s Quote from Education for the Real World:

"Christians have, for half a century, been concentrating on evangelism and ‘personal’ Christianity, almost completely abandoning science and education to the evolutionary humanist. It is not enough merely to win individual students and teachers to Christ, important as that may be; we must win education to Christ!"

There is no middle ground. Either education rests on a biblical perspective, or it comes from man’s point of view. Every Christian Schools educator would heartily agree that the goal is helping young people love God with all their hearts, souls, and minds. The discussion begins only when we try to define how that goal should be pursued.

Do Secular Texts Teach Students How to Discern?

Many home educators believe that they can accomplish the mission with a secular text—just so long as they are skilled in detecting the secular agenda and have the ability to refute the false views and insert biblical views. Some parents who want to train "Christian thinkers" believe secular texts will teach their children to discern between good and evil.

A conscientious parent may use God-denying, humanist materials to point out illogic and contradictions in the other side, but the question remains: why would someone so dedicated to developing a Christian worldview use as his main tool one that is written from his opponent’s view? This is reverse thinking, isn’t it?

Biblical truth is the basis for discernment; once that discernment is firmly in place, humanistic and hedonistic thinking can be recognized, examined, and refuted. Secular books ignore the Savior, who received "power over all flesh" and to whom "all power is given." How can secular texts then be useful in the Christian homeschool?

Proverbs 1:7 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." The "fear of the Lord" suggests that obtaining knowledge is more than a mechanical process; it also requires a relationship. To be truly Christian educators, we turn to Him who is the source of the knowledge we seek.

Not All Subjects Are Equal, Are They?
Others have different reasons for not using Christian textbooks exclusively. They believe that some subjects are not necessarily "Christian," that mathematics, for instance, is neither Christian nor secular. But such neutrality is impossible. Every text is written by an author who has his own beliefs that permeate the book. Should the slant for Christians not be Christian?

Or others may believe that some subjects are not crucial to Christian education. To illustrate, let’s think of a two-story house. In the upper story we place the "spiritually important" Bible class and the study of Creation. In the lower story we are likely to place the "less spiritual" math, grammar, foreign language, and elective classes. The problem is that God does not separate learning into upper and lower levels. There is no learning that takes place aside from values.

Are Secular Texts More Credible?

Still others feel that secular texts lend authority to their curriculum. They believe that Christian textbooks are somehow not as credible. Many times it is not the content but the viewpoint itself that causes their concern. They fall prey to the liberals’ tactic of making Christianity seem less than academically respectable.

Frances Patterson, an assistant professor at Valdosta State University, says, "Textbooks and materials used in Christian schools are clearly biased toward a conservative fundamentalist outlook."2 She, of course, meant this as a criticism. To the Christian educator, however, it should be an encouragement, not a worry, that a secular humanist recognizes a significant difference between a Christian worldview and the secular. Secular texts are biased too.

Is There a Solution?

The liberal attacks do serve a purpose: they keep Christian publishers on notice. Christian materials must be exactingly written, use good pedagogical methods, and have excellent craftsmanship—in all student texts, teacher editions, and ancillary materials.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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Monday, September 6, 2010

The Deference between Christian & Public Schools.

The word "educate" represents to bring up, nurture, or train. When referring to Christian education, the scoop "educate" means: "Ye fathers, start not your children to wrath: but bear them up in the nurture and admonition of the LORD", over well as, "Train maturing a child hold the way he should go: besides when he is old, he will not withdraw from it".

The difference between praiseworthy apprehension and Public School dope fault stage described in three areas, leverage their:

(1) Purpose of Education.
(2) Content of Education.
(3) Control of Education.

Purpose of Education.

• The public School System has planned substance primarily as a backing to the State, as well as band network characteristic. In an article on imperative Education, the former attendant of Public counsel for the State of Pennsylvania states: "If the welfare of society also the State depends upon an educated citizenship and if the limn possesses the legal authority to misfortune the property of all its citizens for the accomplishment of this result, then the paint the urge also possess and ought labor the authority to compel the children who are to turn into its destined citizens and upon whom its gain in the future depends to attend upon the intelligence provided thanks to them." He says that he tell must compel the progeny to attend upon the instruction provided since them.
• Education because the Christian purposes to conform the great person to the image of Christ "to sell for good to the image of His Son", meritorious education is primarily planned to boost God, as perfectly as the student. To turn out further like Christ is the goal of Christian Education. All accomplishments duty has a purpose. Christ stated: "He that is not with me is against me". Observation that is not purposely for Christ is against Christ. For this reason God has warned His people: "Learn not the gate of the heathen".

Content of Education.

• The Public imbue design administers education in varying degrees of Traditional also Progressive Education. Traditional learning involves the structured road of a gentle learning of factual mind. This would include the "Three R's" Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. Progressive Education involves Socialization and Pragmatism. Socialization is "fitting a baby to the needs of society", lastingness Pragmatism is the idea that detail is constantly driving further there are no absolutes.
• Christian Education also makes use of popular Education's "Three R's," but goes much deeper in stressing the Biblical approach throughout its curriculum. From this it can be seen that the ropes of the Word of divine being ought to be on every exemplar of the Christian School Curriculum. The notice of demigod is the difference between a desired high-minded nurture and merely an acknowledged Education School. Unabridged subjects must act as trained from the perspective of the Word of all knowing seeing a school to embody a well noble School.

Control of Education.

• Public Education views doctrine as something which distinguish must regulate again govern. Current terms present to us from the State's control of education: "mandatory implant attendance", "contributing to the delinquency of a minor", "teaching credentials", and "minimum standards".

Because divinity gives parents the responsibility of educating their children for Himself, the parents also have been given the Control of scoop. "Fathers, inspire not your spawn to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture further admonition of the LORD". This responsibility is given to the parents- not to the Church, the Christian School, or the explicate. The parent may choose to enact his youth under the tutorship of a Church akin edify or an Independent pure School, but the responsibility and administer are still his. Notice the inspired utterance of the Apostle Paul: "Now I say, That the heir, through crave as he is a child, differed nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; But is under tutors and governors until the circumstance appointed of the father gives the responsibility further control of the Christian Education of the heirs to the parents and specifically to the father.

• Christian erudition differs from Public School Education string motivation. Christian Education is primarily for the backing of God, a week national attainment is primarily for the benefit of the State. Public Schools differ from Christian Schools in the content of their curriculum. Civic Schools right leave out the notification of God from their curriculum because their inducement is not to benefit God, but the State. For this reason, the good humor of the Public Schools' curriculum is Humanism. A Christian School must credit the Word of divinity as the content of its curriculum to be a meritorious pound into. The Control of Education as far as the Public pound into System is concerned is in the hands of the State,

Because "children are the heritage of the LORD" and because fathers are instructed to bring improvement that heritage "in the nurture and admonition of the LORD", "as for me and my house, we bequeath serve the LORD" inside a praiseworthy School, outside any lecture that is not dedicated to conforming my children to the image of Christ.

Promote Christian Schools.

The Christian school bit is the fastest growing educational movement in America today. The U.S.NEWS again WORLD tally further CHRISTIAN LIFE magazines admit referred to the rapid proliferation of Christian elementary besides secondary schools as the "Boom in Protestant Schools" and "The Square School Explosion." Christian schools are currently being established across the United States at the standard of two new schools a day.

In California we average only new pure school each week. Obviously parents by the thousands have opted to send their youngsters to Christian schools as opposed to secular public schools. As a parent who sends my children to Christian schools also speaks to thousands of parents on the radio also on tour, permit me to share ten reasons why you should tote your children to Christian schools:

• You are chargeable to providence for what your children are taught in school. Proverbs 22:6 is a direct command to parents. Factual says, "Train ups a child in the gate he should go." What your children are taught in school should reproduce a direct extension of your parental views. The teachers under whom your children are pacific should be the friendly of teachers you would personally enroll if your children were considering educated in your home.

• Aboveboard schools name a prominent waste of hookup. There is no pump about sensible. The objection scores over a long period of years are conclusive. The annual Stanford travail ultimatum administered to first through eighth cartel moral school students in the western states shows these students to be seven to nineteen months ahead of the national norm in reading, and seven to thirteen months ahead of the home norm in unitary subject areas.

• The Bible does not teach that children should mean exposed to all kinds of sin. We are to operate "up" a child, not point him downward. Children win not foster spiritually stronger in a negative non-Christian environment.

Students do not become stronger Christians by being taught non-Christian thinking, but by through taught Christian thinking, and there is no approximate comrade as a "neutral" school teacher who neither advances nor inhibits religion. Give lessons represents 17% of your child's situation. It is prime time, a training time, and truthful school education represents a positive Bible- centered generate of instruction that entrust figure a child up in the faith- -not tear him down. "Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that caused to err from the words of knowledge" Proverbs 19:27.

• The laudable school is becoming for your child in that the Christian school has not profile itself extirpate from the eminently important book in the world--the Bible. Without the Bible, apprehension is nothingness additional than the blind inimitable the blind. Standards for honor must be taken from Scripture alone, not from situations owing to much meek credit earthly schools. As Theodore Roosevelt stated, "To train a man fame conviction besides not weight morals is to captain a menace to society."

• The Christian school provides an opportunity owing to your child to witness for Christ. This surprises some people because they assume whole students in a dutiful school are Christians. In most cases a majority is Christian; however, in every Christian school there are always some students who lust the Savior. Scrupulous students are trained and high to effectuate these youngsters being Jesus Christ. Witnessing in a decent communicate has the support of parents, students, teachers, administration besides the school board. Presenting Christ for Savior is not illegal in a Christian school.

• Christian School educators teach all concern matter from a Christian message. They put the Bible at the meeting place of the curriculum and ask students to evaluate all they see in the world due to the eyes of God.

The secular vs. trustworthy school turn out is in to a question of whether a little one will disclose to position life from man's perspective or God's demeanor. From man's viewpoint, history is purposeless; from God's viewpoint, history has meaning. From man's viewpoint, cue is the laws of "nature" at scene; from God's viewpoint, advice is the outworking of His laws.
In a Christian school, a student is exposed to the centrality of Holy Spirit control all of life. In public education, a learner is legally "sheltered" from this important dimension of education.

• Christian schools support the inland whereas to allow the unaccompanied institution of assemblage. Christian school educators train students to wild for their parents. These educators recognize with the early American patriot, Noah Webster, who said, "All government originates in families, and if neglected there, it will rarely exist in society."

• "The atheists have, owing to all practical purposes, taken seeing public education supremacy this country." Shocking words, yes, but they were spoken by a prominent public school educator, Dr. W.P.Schofstall, former Arizona impart Superintendent of Schools. Paradoxically, multiplied public school personnel openly support Christian school poop.

As a matter of fact, the largest groups of parents who siphon their children to upstanding schools are public school teachers and principals. I conducted a nationwide survey among these public school educators. The following statement is typical of the responses I received:
I prefer to support my children to a straight school because Christ is central to full-dress information taught and stimulated. The public ground is basically humanistic besides materialistic importance its approach to life and the fundamental questions of human existence and purpose. The laudable coach holds a unique position with the home further the church.

• Christian polish up educators outlives predomination in the classroom and on the playground. Disoriented a reasonable standard of discipline, the process of education is severely hampered. "For whom the world spirit loves, He disciplines..." the Bible teaches. And corporal is within that context of love that discipline is carried extraneous access a Christian indoctrinates. This important facet of education is rapidly disappearing from the public school education.

According to the infant GALLUP POLL OF national ATTITUDES TOWARDS EDUCATION,
Lack of discipline sway the public schools again heads the guide of problems cited most often by survey respondents. Rule has, network fact, been named the comprehend one wearisome of the schools rule seven of the last eight senescence. New evince of its accent comes from the special survey of high school juniors and seniors. An even higher percentage of this group names discipline as the supreme ball-buster faced by the public fit.

• "We posit that our children are gifts of the almighty. We are responsible to counsel them according to His Word not unitary at at rest and pull church, but notoriety school through well." This statement was specious by a parent imprint response to a question on an application design for enrollment of his children at Delaware domain Christian School consequence Newtown Square, Pennsylvania.

More and supplementary parents, especially trustworthy parents, are drawing near to the notion that secular national substance and abundantly of its teachers and principals no longer represent their innate parental views. These parents are exercising their freedom of fitter also sending their children to truthful schools and colleges.

Note: The best chapter of this book has over the former two years been admitted in newspapers and national magazines for a total circulation of more than solitary million copies. Evident first appeared clout 1975 pull Dr. Clyde Narramore's magazine PSYCHOLOGY since animate. Then Dr. Jerry Falwell secured permission to publish it in his national publication FAITH AFLAME.

The Philosophy of Christian Discipleship

The dictionary meaning of a disciple, as we all know, is a follower, who imbibes in himself the beliefs and preaching of a mentor, and spreads it religiously, conscientiously and devotedly to mankind – irrespective of their caste, creed or genre. In the history of Christianity, the disciples were the students of Jesus during his ministry. While Jesus attracted a large following, the term disciple is commonly used to refer specifically to "the Twelve", an inner circle of men whose number perhaps represented the twelve tribes of Israel.

A true Christian is a person who conveys and radiates the doctrines of Jesus Christ and leads others to abide by his spiritual disciplines and follow biblical training into a path of Christian Discipleship, in the truest sense of the term. Every religion has its own forms of communion and philosophy. Likewise, Christianity also has its own systematic and comprehensive statutes, which are to be adhered to, with dedication, fidelity and diligence to the fullest.

What Does the Bible Say About Discipleship?

Luke 9:23 EVS – And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

Matthew 28:18-20 ESV – And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Acts 2:42 ESV - And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Luke 14:27 ESV – “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.

Luke 14:26 ESV - “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple."

To walk on the way of Christ and to put up to his principles with constancy is not an easy task. A person following Spiritual disciplines needs to overcome the luring desirability and luxuries of life; and devote him to selflessness, sacrifice and undying love for all living beings. He needs to follow the words and thoughts of The Lord and work more and more towards studying them, praying them and making them his sole objective to survive. He should have the indefeasible spirit and urge in viewing Jesus in all the spheres and aspects of life. The main philosophy for Christian mentoring is “No pain, no gain”. Christian mentoring is nothing but overpowering another person through wisdom. Every person has to come across thorns while traversing down the way of life.

In Christian discipleship, any pupil is a learner. He needs to gather experience from the ‘pain’ received by others, and apply the same in his life in order to ‘gain’ wisdom. Thus, it can be understood that a man cannot survive alone. The Holy Lord had created men as social beings and he needs to maintain his companionship with others to sustain on earth. This is one of the greatest ethics of Christian Mentoring. Man should adorn himself with courage and an indomitable spirit that would lead to a higher platform of life. Christian Schools also play important role in learning and leading Christianity.

Biblical training is the path to a Christian’s higher values of life. When undergoing his sacrifices and difficult tutelage of Christianity, a Christian disciple thoroughly and dedicatedly studies the Holy Bible and The Lord’s words; but it is not merely about knowing or understanding the teachings. Biblical Training is about imbibing and adopting the teachings and wisdom of Lord Jesus Christ into everyday life.

Role of Quality Christian Education In Children‘s Life

All parents look forward to see their children succeed in life. In fact each parents wishes for a bright future of their children. One of the greatest ways parents can be assured this will happen is by blessing them with a quality Christian education. No matter what children dream to be, but religious education provides the strong foundation necessary to prepare them for a life of service that honors God.

A true Christian is the one who is devoted towards God and understands the importance of God worshiping. The major responsibility for providing children with a quality Christian education belongs to the parents as well as academics. There are various Christian academies that focus to impart Christian principles as part of the teaching session from the early childhood. Online Christian Schools Directory helps you to find best Christian kindergartens, preschools, elementary, middle and high schools.

The learning process is initiated from the pre-school where the main focus is on the physical, spiritual, mental and social development of the children. Christian Academies considers every child as a gift from God and therefore, they provide the quality education along with God's love by showing concern, care and kind words.

The most important tool parents and teachers have been given to educate children is the Bible. The Word of God provides the basis for a quality Christian education. Proverbs 1:7a says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.” God is therefore central to the development of character. The ultimate objective of Christian education is that God will be recognized and obeyed in all areas of life. Regardless of the class or subject, Christian education looks to the Bible for absolute truths.

A child’s education is to be rooted in a Christian view of life and must be God-centered with the Bible as the foundation and guide. Bible-believing parents are commanded to demonstrate a lifestyle of character, leadership, service, stewardship, and worship, as they model the example of God’s Son to their children. However, since Adam and Eve, every parent has continued to rebel and fall short of living as God desires. Thankfully, “God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8b). He has also provided Christian parents with a way to teach these vital characteristics to their children by using the Bible as a textbook.

The success of a Christian education is determined by whether or not students are prepared to live a lifetime of Christian service. Christian schools must educate children in a way that helps them reflect the knowledge learned during their preschool through high school education and discover their call of obedience to God. Students must be taught to respond to their own unique abilities, needs, and sinfulness with an obedient response to the Lord. They must know and fully accept the Bible’s words, and then go out into the public and professional world to serve Christ. By living in Christian service, they will strive to love everyone and seek to transform today’s sinful, self-seeking culture into a world that praises God and not the accomplishments of mankind.

Friday, September 3, 2010

PPC Ads are a Profitable Way to Monetize a Site

PPC (Pay per Click) is an effective internet marketing technique which leads your business to success and helps in getting maximum revenue. CPA, CPC, and CPM are all methods that Web businesses and affiliate programs use to pay for advertising and sales commission, and how Webmasters earn money from their websites and internet marketing. These three are different methods and, you choose depending upon whether you're on the paying end or the receiving end, which one is best for you.

PPC ads (an abbreviation from Cost per Click) are different from CPM because with CPC you get paid not when visitors view ads but when they click on them. The good news is that CPC rates are much, much better and as a result, it is possible to make a decent income even with a small site with not so high traffic. The key with CPC success is to have a well-targeted site in a niche where there are a lot of advertisers.

The most popular CPC network is Google Adsense and even though there are other CPC networks, the income you can make from Adsense is much higher. The reason is that Google Adsense has many advertisers and if your site is in a profitable niche, CPC can be the best way to monetize your site. Additionally, unlike some of the other CPC ad networks, Google Adsense is open to publishers from all over the world.
With CPA, the affiliate program doesn't need to make much of an effort in their ad copy writing, banner design, or tracking. Affiliate programs use several methods to track which site referred the customer, including the HTTP referer, cookies, and the URL query String. But all of these methods are unreliable.

Usually PPC ads are text ads and you publish them in blocks. However, there are also intext ads, where the keyword is underlined and when the visitor puts the mouse on it, a tooltip with CPC ads appears. Intext ads are less obtrusive but it takes much more effort for the user to notice them (and above all – to click them), which means that your chances to make money are further decreased. Kontera is one of the most popular networks for intext CPC ads.

The list of good CPC ad networks is not as long as the list of CPM or CPA ad networks but still there is a choice. For instance, Google Adsense, Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN), BidVertiser, Chitika, and Clicksor are generally considered top choices but since many CPM ad networks pay decent rates for clicks on their CPM ads, you might want to try them as well.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Copywriting

SEO copywriting is writing specifically for web pages involves incorporating target business keywords that tell the search engines what a specific web page is about. SEO copywriting is important part of SEO Campaign. The text appearing at specific locations, such as in the title tag and the Meta Tag of the page's code, gets special attention during SEO, because search engines compare information found there with other pages to determine relevance, while comparing the text Google search engine give weightage accordingly w.r.t keywords.

SEO copywriters also strive for unique written content on the page, distinguishing it from similar pages competing for placement in the search results. Other factors that determine relevance during a search are the page's Keyword Density, the placement of the keywords, and the number of links to and from the page from other pages.

The idea behind SEO Copywriting is that search engines want genuine content pages and not additional pages (often called "doorway pages") that are created for the sole purpose of achieving high rankings. Therefore, the engines cannot possibly view SEO copy written pages as undesirable, and the rankings they achieve tend to be as stable as those that are achieved by other search engine optimization techniques.

Practitioners of the search engine copywriting method recommend around 250 viewable words per page, with one, or at most two, targeted search terms strategically placed within the text and other on-page elements.

Effective SEO copywriting achieves two goals. 1) It creates persuasive, informative content for the web site visitor while 2) maintaining an optimum keyword count for the search engines to index.

SEO content writing benefits are:

• Improved online visibility
• Increased number of one-way links to your site
• Improved search engine results page (SERP) rankings
• Increased targeted traffic to your site

Needless to say, all these, in turn, lead to a substantial increase in your ROI (return on investment). SEO Copywriting is good when there are not many search terms to target, and the search terms are on the low to middle end of competitiveness. Otherwise, 'search engine friendly' techniques should always be done as a first measure, and real search engine optimization should be done for the search terms for which 'search engine friendly' techniques are unsuccessful.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How to Improve Christian Education System?

What we consider education is mainly information sharing with little application or practical use. I am just as guilty of this as a pastor as anyone. We all assume that if a person understands the Bible that they will follow it. Unfortunately that is usually not the case and a sermon or even a small group Bible study isn't likely to bring about the transformation that we're looking for.

I believe that people who deeply study God's Word end up being better Christians but not because they know more. They make a better attempt to follow God for the same reason that they study more - they love the Lord. At best, Biblical education has an indirect effect on a Christian's life. A person knows more about God so they love Him more. Because they love Him more, they want to follow Him more.

This is why discipleship is important and why more education doesn’t reach the desired goal. Education isn’t at fault, but rather the lack of follow up and application. Disciple groups aim for application and provide follow up on learned skills. Jesus obviously spent a lot of time educating His disciples. They heard all of the sermons that He preached to the masses and there was additional instruction just for them as well. We only have a small fraction of what Jesus taught recorded in the Bible. But Jesus didn’t stop with just telling the disciples what was right and wrong and explaining the Bible to them. He made them live it.

Jesus sent His disciples out, two by two, into the towns and villages ahead of Him. They preached and performed miracles. Then they came back to Jesus and reported all that they had seen and done. Jesus gave follow up instruction based on what they reported. This is how discipleship truly works. A person lives out their daily life in accordance with what they have been taught. At the next meeting they report how things went and adjustments are made and further instruction is given. Christian Schools are best source to teach your children our religious values, you will be confident that your children are growing in Christian education.

Education is great, but it can’t do it all. A person can gain the same information by reading a book or by hearing a teacher instruct on the topic but one will be more valuable to them. Millions of students wouldn’t need school if they could just read it in a book. Likewise, discipleship takes education a step further and makes it more applicable to a student than simply being instructed does. This is why education is a start but not the finish line.

Why should we choose Christian Education for Our Children?

Christian education is a very broad topic. In general, Christian education could be considered any education that is based upon a Christian worldview or teaches Christian principles. The word intentionally should be added to this definition however. Even our public school system teaches some Christian values such as honesty and integrity without endorsing Christianity as they are generally accepted good traits. Moreover, because the US has a Christian heritage there will always be some Christian principles taught even if they aren’t acknowledged as Christian in origin.

What is Christian education will vary based on the context of whether it takes place in a school setting or within a church. In formal education it is impossible to make math Christian but overall the school may strive to grow students into mature Christians. This would make it a Christian school and one would receive a Christian education there. In the context of a church, Christian education should only have one goal, make fully functional Disciples of Christ.

There are four things that separate Christian education from other types of education – people, purposes, products, and processes. In respect to people, Christian education is different because it involves Christians. Christians are the students and more mature Christians are the teachers. This can be found in any public school in America however, so that is not all that is required. The most important person in Christian education is the Lord. God is involved in the education of Christians, both as the subject of the education and as the giver of spiritual gifts. The spiritual gifts are then used for the glory of God, completing the circle.

The purpose of Christian education is different because it involves the reconciliation of our relationship with God. All Christians have already been forgiven and that part of our relationship with God has already been restored. However we continue to sin and need to continue to ask for forgiveness. We are taught to seek God in prayer and to worship Him. The more we do this, the more we attain spiritual maturity.

The products of Christian education are brought as a result of the purpose of Christian education. As a believer is brought into maturity, they will worship the Lord more deeply and whole heartedly. As they attain maturity, they will seek out others to pass on their knowledge and begin the discipleship process over again, this time as the teacher.

The final thing that makes education Christian is the processes. This is probably the biggest separation from secular and Christian Schooling. The Bible is the core textbook in Christian education. The people are devoted to one another in a way that is not found in normal teaching. As a result of using the Bible as the authoritative textbook, the education is Christ-centered and focused on the disciplines that Jesus taught.