Friday, September 17, 2010

How to raise your children in the Christian Faith?

Every Christian parent’s biggest priority must be to raise their children in the faith. The consequences of failing to disciple our children in Christ are eternal, so nothing we do could be more important. In this article, I would like to give you five specific ways you can insure your children will receive a firm foundation in Godly living.

Have a time of Bible reading and prayer every night before bed.

The point of this time is to make a life-long habit of daily devotions. There are many children’s Bibles available in any Christian bookstore or online. Any of them are good, but make sure what you use is age-appropriate for your specific child.

Live the Christian faith yourself.

While I know this is obvious, how many kids hear their parents curse, see ungodly entertainment in the home, or experience an unloving, unforgiving environment? I don’t mean that we as parents have to put up a perfect front to our kids. Actually, I think it can be more powerful for a young person to see mom or dad admit a mistake and ask for forgiveness.

Another important component for demonstrating a Christian lifestyle is a daily devotion. It is good to have a daily time of prayer and Bible study with your children, but it is even more important for them to see you have your own personal time of devotion. After all, nothing is more crucial in our own development as disciples.

Get your kids into Christian music.

I know of no other art form that connects with a kid, especially a teenager, than popular music. Being able to introduce your children to Godly music is a vital step toward helping them see how their faith intersects with real life. With my own children, I spent very little time on traditional kids’ music. As a musician myself, I wanted my son and daughter to know good music, and I’ve never regretted making modern, Christian music available to them.

When real-life problems come up, help your kids see the Biblical way to respond.
When my son was a second grader, he confided in me that a girl in his class was saying mean things to him. I wanted to call the teacher and get the girl in trouble, but instead, I showed Caleb Matthew 5:43-48 and then we prayed for this girl, just like Jesus taught. Not only did this problem give me a teachable moment into Caleb’s young life, it also showed both of us the power of prayer, because this classmate stopped bothering him after we prayed.

Christian Schooling

If you are a Christian, Christian school will benefit greatly in the study of the Bible. The Bible is the basis for every Christian faith. Learning more about the Bible is always a good thing. This will be a requirement in most Christian schools. Even if you aren't a Christian, you can benefit from the teachings of the Bible. The Bible teaches many life lessons and should be studied by everyone. If you want to find good Christian Schools then you can visit Christian Schools Directory.

In summary, I want to comfort parents who may be feeling guilty. If you haven’t done much for your children’s spiritual development, now is the time. And please remember, anything is better than nothing. You don’t have to be a world-class theologian to do any of these five things, but I know the pay off will be worth it, both in quality family time, and in the fruit your efforts bear in your own family!


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